of the

Pleasant Knoll Elementary School PTO


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Pleasant Knoll Elementary School PTO. 



Article II – Purpose

This parent and staff organization is designed to strengthen the partnership between home and school through parent volunteer opportunities, supporting teachers and students through enrichment, and family fun events. 



Article III – Membership

All parents and/or legal guardians of Pleasant Knoll Elementary School students and all Pleasant Knoll Elementary School staff members shall be eligible for voting membership in the organization. Membership consists of an Executive Board and General Membership. 



Article IV – Dues

There shall be no dues. Dues may be instated only by 51 percent majority of all parents and/or legal guardians of PKES students and PKES staff members. 



Article V – Meetings

  1. Meeting Schedule

At least 4 general membership meetings shall be held during the school year. The time and place shall be announced publicly at least 7 days before the meeting. 


B. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of all persons present at a properly called general membership or special meeting. This quorum shall be entitled to take action on behalf of the organization. 


C. Voting

A majority of the voting members present at any meeting shall be required for action to be taken by the organization. 


An issue to be voted on should be announced via multiple communication methods at least two weeks before the vote will be taken.


D.  Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called, either by a vote of the Executive Board or by petition of 5 percent of the total membership. The time and place of all special meetings shall be announced at least 7 days in advance. 



Article VI – Officers

  1. Positions

The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Past President or at-large member. These officers shall make up the Executive Board, which is the policy-making body and may exercise all the powers and authority granted to the organization by law.


B. Term Limits

The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer may serve four consecutive one-year terms, being duly nominated and elected each year. The Past President serves a one-year term immediately following the end of his/her presidency, if applicable. 


C. Resignation

Resignations are effective upon receipt by the Secretary of written notice by the officer. 


D. Removal

An officer may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board at an Executive Board meeting for non-completion of duties, misuse of power and/or failure to regularly attend meetings. 


E. Powers

The affairs, activities and operation of the organization shall be managed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall transact all necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the membership and such other business as may be referred to it by the membership or these bylaws. It may create Standing and Special Committees, approve the plans and work of Standing and Special Committees, present reports and recommendations at the meetings of the membership, prepare and submit a budget to the membership for approval, and, in general, conduct the business and activities of the organization. 


F. Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet at least five times during the school and at least once over the summer to prepare materials for the coming school year. Standing Committee chairs may be invited to the meetings as needed and their opinions on issues taken into consideration. General members may request to attend Executive Board meetings but may not vote on issues at hand. 


G. Voting

A majority of the Executive Board members shall be considered a quorum for voting. Voting can be done in person or via email or other written forms of communication. 


H. Duties

  1. The President shall conduct all general and Executive Board meetings and serve as the head of the organization. The President shall supervise and control all of the activities of the organization and other duties as requested by the Executive Board. 


2. The Vice President shall preside at all general and Executive Board meetings not conducted by the President. The Vice President shall accept other duties as assigned. 


3. The Secretary shall keep the official minutes of general membership meetings. The Secretary shall also put together any special communications requested by the Executive Board and accept other duties as assigned. 


4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the organization, shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources, and shall deposit funds as directed by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall make disbursements as authorized by the President, the Executive Committee or the membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership and/or adjustments voted upon by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall present a written financial report at each general membership meeting and as requested by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare the books for audit and complete and submit tax documents in a timely fashion. 


5. The Past President shall be a member of the Executive Board and shall be responsible for assisting the President with transition. The Past President shall take on other duties as assigned. 


  1. Eligibility
  1. The Executive Board shall search for nominations for the officer slate and place the slate in multiple communication methods, giving at least 30 days notice to the membership before the election. 


B. The membership shall vote on the slate at the announced time of the vote. 


C. A simple majority of all votes returned will signify a win. 


D. The newly elected officers will be installed at the final general meeting of the school year or the first meeting of a new school year. 


F. Any vacancy on the Executive Board after the election may be filled by an appointment by the Executive Board. The appointed officer will serve the full term.



VII. Finances

  1. Budget

The newly elected Executive Board shall set the budget for the coming year by Aug.15 and make it available to the general membership. The membership shall vote on the budget at the first General Membership meeting of the school year. 


The fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30.


Any proposals or request for programs or expenditures for the coming year should be submitted in writing to the organization’s President.


The budget shall be used to guide the activities of the Executive Board during the year. Any substantial deviation from the budget must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board. 


B. Purchase Procedure

The Executive Board or Standing Committee Chairs may make purchases as provided for in the approved budget. Principals or other PKES staff will need to make a request for purchase through an officer of the Executive Board. A payment/reimbursement form is required for all purchases made to be reimbursed as well as copies of receipts for such purchases. 


C. Obligations

The President must sign any contracts that the organization will enter into upon approval of the Executive Board. No contract is valid without Executive Board approval. 



IX. Recordkeeping

  1. Software

The organization may use a software program to keep track of finances and volunteers. Access to the data will be controlled by the Executive Board. Any financial or personal information will be used only as it was intended by the organization. it may not be used as a source of date for business or individual mailing lists or other personal gain. 


B. Audits

Monthly bank reconciliations and audits will be conducted by the President, Treasurer and another Executive Board committee not included on the organization’s bank account. The Treasurer must be available to present all documentation and answer any questions. 


X. Insurance

The organization will cary general liability insurance at all times. In addition, the organization should purchase property, officers liability and fidelity bond insurance each year. 


XI. Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended or new bylaws aded by a majority vote of the membership present at a General Membership meeting, provided that notice of the amendment or proposed bylaw is given at least two weeks before the meeting. 


XII. Dissolution

The organization may be dissolved by a majority vote of present members provided that written notice of the intent to dissolve was provided to all members at least 30 days prior to the vote being taken. 


After paying all outstanding obligations, the Executive Board will disburse any remaining assets into the Foundation for Fort Mill Schools or a related charitable organization. 


XII. Parliamentary Procedure

The organization is governed by basic rules of diplomacy except where the organization’s bylaws specifically state otherwise. This consists of a motion, elaboration if needed on the motion and a vote with majority rules. Motions cannot be brought forward more than twice fiscally. 


XIV. Conflict of Interest Statement

No member of the Pleasant Knoll Elementary School PTO, Executive Board or Standing Committee chairpersons shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation in Pleasant Knoll Elementary School PTO. 

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
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